Read Flow Runs
Query for flow runs.
Filter for deployments. Only deployments matching all criteria will be returned.
Filter flow runs. Only flow runs matching all criteria will be returned
Filter for flows. Only flows matching all criteria will be returned.
Defaults to PREFECT_API_DEFAULT_LIMIT if not provided.
x > 0
Defines flow run sorting options.
Filter task runs. Only task runs matching all criteria will be returned
Filter work queues. Only work queues matching all criteria will be returned
Filter work pools. Only work pools matching all criteria will be returned
The id of the flow being run.
Whether or not the flow run was automatically scheduled.
Additional context for the flow run.
Optional information about the creator of this flow run.
The id of the deployment associated with this flow run, if available.
The version of the deployment associated with this flow run.
Defines of how a flow run should retry.
The actual end time.
A real-time estimate of the total run time.
The difference between actual and expected start time.
The flow run's expected start time.
The version of the flow executed in this flow run.
An optional idempotency key for the flow run. Used to ensure the same flow run is not created multiple times.
The block document defining infrastructure to use this flow run.
The id of the flow run as returned by an infrastructure block.
Variables used as overrides in the base job template
A dictionary of key-value labels. Values can be strings, numbers, or booleans.
The name of the flow run. Defaults to a random slug if not specified.
The next time the flow run is scheduled to start.
Parameters for the flow run.
If the flow run is a subflow, the id of the 'dummy' task in the parent flow used to track subflow state.
The number of times the flow run was executed.
The actual start time.
The current state of the flow run.
The id of the flow run's current state.
The name of the current flow run state.
The type of the current flow run state.
A list of tags on the flow run
Total run time. If the flow run was executed multiple times, the time of each run will be summed.
The id of the flow run's work pool.
The name of the flow run's work pool.
The id of the run's work pool queue.
The work queue that handled this flow run.
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