prefect work-pool
Manage work pools.
prefect work-pool create
Create a new work pool or update an existing one.
Examples: Create a Kubernetes work pool in a paused state: $ prefect work-pool create “my-pool” —type kubernetes —paused Create a Docker work pool with a custom base job template: $ prefect work-pool create “my-pool” —type docker —base-job-template ./base-job-template.json Update an existing work pool: $ prefect work-pool create “existing-pool” —base-job-template ./base-job-template.json —overwrite
prefect work-pool ls
List work pools.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool ls
prefect work-pool inspect
Inspect a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool inspect “my-pool”
prefect work-pool pause
Pause a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool pause “my-pool”
prefect work-pool resume
Resume a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool resume “my-pool”
prefect work-pool update
Update a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool update “my-pool”
prefect work-pool provision-infrastructure
Provision infrastructure for a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool provision-infrastructure “my-pool”
$ prefect work-pool provision-infra “my-pool”
prefect work-pool provision-infra
Provision infrastructure for a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool provision-infrastructure “my-pool”
$ prefect work-pool provision-infra “my-pool”
prefect work-pool delete
Delete a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool delete “my-pool”
prefect work-pool set-concurrency-limit
Set the concurrency limit for a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool set-concurrency-limit “my-pool” 10
prefect work-pool clear-concurrency-limit
Clear the concurrency limit for a work pool.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool clear-concurrency-limit “my-pool”
prefect work-pool get-default-base-job-template
Get the default base job template for a given work pool type.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool get-default-base-job-template —type kubernetes
prefect work-pool preview
Preview the work pool’s scheduled work for all queues.
Examples: $ prefect work-pool preview “my-pool” —hours 24
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