Prefect is an orchestration and observability platform that empowers developers to build and scale workflows quickly. In this quickstart, you will use Prefect to convert the following Python script to a schedulable, observable, resilient, and deployable workflow in minutes:

import httpx

def get_repo_info():
    """Fetch statistics about the Prefect repository"""
    url = ""
    response = httpx.get(url)
    repo = response.json()
    print("PrefectHQ/prefect repository statistics 🤓:")
    print(f"Stars 🌠 : {repo['stargazers_count']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Install Prefect

To install Prefect with pip, run:

pip install -U prefect --pre

If needed, see Install Prefect for other options.

Connect to Prefect’s API

Connect to the Prefect API, either Prefect Cloud hosted by us, or a local Prefect server instance:

  1. Head to and sign in or create a forever-free Prefect Cloud account.

  2. Log in to Prefect Cloud from your development environment:

    prefect cloud login
  3. Choose Log in with a web browser and click the Authorize button in the browser window that opens.

Your CLI is now authenticated with your Prefect Cloud account through a locally stored API key that expires in 30 days.

If you have any issues with browser-based authentication, you can authenticate with a manually created API key instead.

Convert your script to a Prefect workflow

The easiest way to convert a Python script into a workflow is to add a @flow decorator to the script’s entrypoint, the Python function that runs first. Flows are containers for workflow logic as code. They’re the core observable, orchestrated, deployable units of work in Prefect.

Adding @task decorators to the functions called by the flow converts them to tasks. Tasks receive metadata about upstream dependencies and the state of those dependencies before they run. Prefect will record these dependencies and states as it orchestrates these tasks when they run.
import httpx   # an HTTP client library and dependency of Prefect
from prefect import flow, task

def get_repo_info(repo_owner: str, repo_name: str):
    """Get info about a repo - will retry twice after failing"""
    url = f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}"
    api_response = httpx.get(url)
    repo_info = api_response.json()
    return repo_info

def get_contributors(repo_info: dict):
    """Get contributors for a repo"""
    contributors_url = repo_info["contributors_url"]
    response = httpx.get(contributors_url)
    contributors = response.json()
    return contributors

def repo_info(repo_owner: str = "PrefectHQ", repo_name: str = "prefect"):
    Given a GitHub repository, logs the number of stargazers
    and contributors for that repo.
    repo_info = get_repo_info(repo_owner, repo_name)
    print(f"Stars 🌠 : {repo_info['stargazers_count']}")

    contributors = get_contributors(repo_info)
    print(f"Number of contributors 👷: {len(contributors)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The log_prints=True argument provided to the @flow decorator logs output from print statements within the function.

Run your flow

Run your Prefect flow just as you would a Python script:


Prefect automatically tracks the state of the flow run and logs the output in the UI and CLI.

14:28:31.099 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'energetic-panther' for flow 'repo-info'
14:28:31.100 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - View at
14:28:32.178 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Created task run 'get_repo_info-0' for task 'get_repo_info'
14:28:32.179 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Executing 'get_repo_info-0' immediately...
14:28:32.584 | INFO    | Task run 'get_repo_info-0' - Finished in state Completed()
14:28:32.599 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Stars 🌠 : 13609
14:28:32.682 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Created task run 'get_contributors-0' for task 'get_contributors'
14:28:32.682 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Executing 'get_contributors-0' immediately...
14:28:33.118 | INFO    | Task run 'get_contributors-0' - Finished in state Completed()
14:28:33.134 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Number of contributors 👷: 30
14:28:33.255 | INFO    | Flow run 'energetic-panther' - Finished in state Completed('All states completed.')

Create a work pool

Running a flow locally is a good start, but you should use a remote destination for production flows. A work pool is the most common way to do this.

Deploy your flow to Cloud using a managed work pool.

  1. Create a managed work pool:

    prefect work-pool create my-work-pool --type prefect:managed
  2. View your new work pool on the Work Pools page of the UI.

Deploy and schedule your flow

A deployment is used to determine when, where, and how a flow function should run. Deployments elevate flows to remotely configurable entities that have their own API.

  1. Create a deployment script:
    from prefect import flow
    # Source for the code to deploy (here, a GitHub repo)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
            entrypoint="", # Specific flow to run
            work_pool_name="my-work-pool", # Work pool target
            cron="0 1 * * *", # Cron schedule (1am every day)

    You can store your flow code in nearly any location as long as Prefect can access it. See Where to store your flow code for more details.

  2. Run the script to create the deployment:


    Check the logs to ensure your deployment was created:

    Successfully created/updated all deployments!
    |                    Deployments                     |  
    |    Name                       |  Status  | Details |
    | repo-info/my-first-deployment | applied  |         |
  3. Schedule a run for the deployment:

    prefect deployment run 'repo-info/my-first-deployment'

    After a minute or so, you should see the flow run graph and logs on the Flow Run page in the UI.

    Flow run graph and logs

  4. When you’re done, click the More > Delete button on the Deployments page to stop further scheduled runs.

Next steps

You’ve seen how to move from a Python script to a scheduled, observable, remotely orchestrated workflow with Prefect. Now considering reading:

Need help? Book a meeting with a Prefect Product Advocate to get your questions answered.