Prefect artifacts:

  • are visually rich annotations on flow and task runs
  • are human-readable visual metadata produced in code
  • come in standardized formats such as tables, progress indicators, images, Markdown, or links
  • are stored on Prefect Cloud or a Prefect server instance and rendered in the Prefect UI
  • make it easy to visualize outputs or side effects that your runs produce, and capture updates over time

Markdown artifact sales report screenshot

Common use cases for artifacts include:

  • Progress indicators: Publish progress indicators for long-running tasks. This helps monitor the progress of your tasks and flows and ensure they are running as expected.
  • Debugging: By publishing data that you care about in the UI, you can easily see when and where your results were written. If an artifact doesn’t look the way you expect, you can find out which flow run last updated it, and you can click through a link in the artifact to a storage location (such as an S3 bucket).
  • Data quality checks: Publish data quality checks from in-progress tasks. This helps ensure that data quality is maintained throughout the pipeline. Artifacts make for great performance graphs, such as for long-running tasks like ML model training. You can also track artifact versions, making it easier to identify changes in your data.
  • Documentation: Publish documentation and sample data to help you keep track of your work and share information. For example, add a description to signify why a piece of data is important.

Create artifacts

Creating artifacts allows you to publish data from task and flow runs or outside of a flow run context. There are five artifact types:

  • links
  • Markdown
  • progress
  • images
  • tables

Each artifact created within a task is displayed individually in the Prefect UI. This means that each call to create_link_artifact() or create_markdown_artifact() generates a distinct artifact.

Unlike the print() command (where you can concatenate multiple calls to include additional items in a report), these commands must be used multiple times if necessary within a task.

To create artifacts like reports or summaries using create_markdown_artifact(), compile your message string separately and then pass it to create_markdown_artifact() to create the complete artifact.

To create a link artifact, use the create_link_artifact() function. To create multiple versions of the same artifact and/or view them on the Artifacts page of the Prefect UI, provide a key argument to the create_link_artifact() function to track an artifact’s history over time. Without a key, the artifact is only visible in the Artifacts tab of the associated flow run or task run.

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.artifacts import create_link_artifact

def my_first_task():
            description="## Highly variable data",

def my_second_task():
            description="# Low prediction accuracy",

def my_flow():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Specify multiple artifacts with the same key for artifact lineage

You can specify multiple artifacts with the same key to easily track something very specific, such as irregularities in your data pipeline.

After running the above flows, you can find your new artifacts in the Artifacts page of the UI. Click into the “irregular-data” artifact and see all versions of it, along with custom descriptions and links to the relevant data.

Link artifact details with multiple versions

You can also view information about your artifact such as:

  • its associated flow run or task run id
  • previous and future versions of the artifact (multiple artifacts can have the same key to show lineage)
  • the data you’ve stored (in this case a Markdown-rendered link)
  • an optional Markdown description
  • when the artifact was created or updated

To make the links more readable for you and your collaborators, you can pass in a link_text argument for your link artifacts:

from prefect import flow
from prefect.artifacts import create_link_artifact

def my_flow():

if __name__ == "__main__":

In the above example, the create_link_artifact method is used within a flow to create a link artifact with a key of my-important-link. The link parameter specifies the external resource to link to, and link_text specifies the text to display for the link. You can also add an optional description for context.

Create progress artifacts

Progress artifacts render dynamically on the flow run graph in the Prefect UI, indicating the progress of long-running tasks.

To create a progress artifact, use the create_progress_artifact() function. To update a progress artifact, use the update_progress_artifact() function.

Progress artifact example

from time import sleep

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.artifacts import (

def fetch_batch(i: int):
    # Simulate fetching a batch of data

def fetch_in_batches():
    progress_artifact_id = create_progress_artifact(
        description="Indicates the progress of fetching data in batches.",
    for i in range(1, 11):
        update_progress_artifact(artifact_id=progress_artifact_id, progress=i * 10)

def etl():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Progress artifacts are updated using a separate update_progress_artifact() function. Prefect updates a progress artifact in place, rather than versioning it.

Create Markdown artifacts

To create a Markdown artifact, you can use the create_markdown_artifact() function. To create multiple versions of the same artifact and/or view them on the Artifacts page of the Prefect UI, provide a key argument to the create_markdown_artifact() function to track an artifact’s history over time. Without a key, the artifact is only visible in the Artifacts tab of the associated flow run or task run.

Don’t indent Markdown

Don’t indent Markdown in mult-line strings. Otherwise it will be interpreted incorrectly.

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.artifacts import create_markdown_artifact

def markdown_task():
    na_revenue = 500000
    markdown_report = f"""# Sales Report

## Summary

In the past quarter, our company saw a significant increase in sales, with a total revenue of $1,000,000. 
This represents a 20% increase over the same period last year.

## Sales by Region

| Region        | Revenue |
| North America | ${na_revenue:,} |
| Europe        | $250,000 |
| Asia          | $150,000 |
| South America | $75,000 |
| Africa        | $25,000 |

## Top Products

1. Product A - $300,000 in revenue
2. Product B - $200,000 in revenue
3. Product C - $150,000 in revenue

## Conclusion

Overall, these results are very encouraging and demonstrate the success of our sales team in increasing revenue 
across all regions. However, we still have room for improvement and should focus on further increasing sales in 
the coming quarter.
        description="Quarterly Sales Report",

def my_flow():

if __name__ == "__main__":

After running the above flow, you should see your “gtm-report” artifact in the Artifacts page of the UI.

Markdown sales report screenshot

You can view the associated flow run or task run id, previous and future versions of the artifact, your rendered Markdown data, and your optional Markdown description.

Create table artifacts

Create a table artifact by calling create_table_artifact(). To create multiple versions of the same artifact and/or view them on the Artifacts page of the Prefect UI, provide a key argument to the create_table_artifact() function to track an artifact’s history over time. Without a key, the artifact is only visible in the artifacts tab of the associated flow run or task run.

The create_table_artifact() function accepts a table argument. Pass this as a list of lists, a list of dictionaries, or a dictionary of lists.

from prefect.artifacts import create_table_artifact

def my_fn():
    highest_churn_possibility = [
       {'customer_id':'12345', 'name': 'John Smith', 'churn_probability': 0.85 }, 
       {'customer_id':'56789', 'name': 'Jane Jones', 'churn_probability': 0.65 } 

        description= "# Marvin, please reach out to these customers today!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Table artifact with customer info You don’t need to create an artifact in a flow run context. You can create one anywhere in a Python script and see it in the Prefect UI.

Create image artifacts

Image artifacts render publicly available images in the Prefect UI. To create an image artifact, use the create_image_artifact() function.

Image artifact example

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.artifacts import (

def create_image():
    # Do something to create an image and upload to a url
    image_url = ""
    create_image_artifact(image_url=image_url, description="A gif.", key="gif")
    return image_url

def my_flow():
    return create_image()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    image_url = my_flow()
    print(f"Image URL: {image_url}")

To create an artifact that links to a private image, use the create_link_artifact() function instead.

Manage artifacts

Reading artifacts

In the Prefect UI, you can view all of the latest versions of your artifacts and click into a specific artifact to see its lineage over time. Additionally, you can inspect all versions of an artifact with a given key from the CLI by running:

prefect artifact inspect <my_key>

or view all artifacts by running:

prefect artifact ls

You can also use the Prefect REST API to programmatically filter your results.

Fetching artifacts

In Python code, you can retrieve an existing artifact with the Artifact.get class method:

from prefect.artifacts import Artifact

my_retrieved_artifact = Artifact.get("my_artifact_key")

Delete artifacts

You can delete an artifact directly using the CLI to delete specific artifacts with a given key or id:

prefect artifact delete <my_key>
prefect artifact delete --id <my_id>

Alternatively, you can delete artifacts using the Prefect REST API.

Artifacts API

Prefect provides the Prefect REST API to allow you to create, read, and delete artifacts programmatically. With the Artifacts API, you can automate the creation and management of artifacts as part of your workflow.

For example, to read the five most recently created Markdown, table, and link artifacts, you can run the following:

import requests

data = {
    "sort": "CREATED_DESC",
    "limit": 5,
    "artifacts": {
        "key": {
            "exists_": True

headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {PREFECT_API_KEY}"}
endpoint = f"{PREFECT_API_URL}/artifacts/filter"

response =, headers=headers, json=data)
assert response.status_code == 200
for artifact in response.json():

If you don’t specify a key or that a key must exist, you will also return results (which are a type of key-less artifact).

See the rest of the Prefect REST API documentation on artifacts for more information.